Customized for Your Needs
Family InTENSive
For adult children wanting to create a healthy relationship with their extended family.
Free Seminars for Your Workplace
Put a SPARK in your work environment!
Ignite yourself, your staff or fellow team members with a boost from the "outside".
Seminars are available at your workplace or service group. Each seminar is approximately one hour in length. Times for seminars can be arranged anytime between 8:00 am and 2:00 pm.
1. Effective Communication
Tips we forget
How to agree when you disagree
Using curiosity
How to be specific
2. An Enneagram Introduction
A helpful view of the personalities you deal with each day
How others see the task at hand
Hints on how to supervise various personality types
3. Stress Relievers
Reminders of how to relax
Ways to remember fun in your day
An hour of relaxation and fun