It is my belief that as we go through life, we all have choices to make. We can keep doing more of what we have already done – generally getting the same results; OR we can decide to do something different and perhaps get a different result.
Most of us would love to do something different but we just don't know what that would be, how it would sound, or what we would be doing differently. That's where I come in! What I can do for you, your relationship(s) and or your team is provide new ways of perceiving, seeing and thinking. I can assist you in winding your way through a new paradigm that will make your life more effective, aware and nourishing.
My practice includes individuals, couples and families; those on a gender journey; as well as business teams and managers. I am trained in a variety of techniques and am a trained Relational Life Coach and a Certified Enneagram Teacher. Although I bring years of experience (I started my practice in 1993) to the sessions, more importantly I bring my full attention to your issues and concerns.
Dee Marcotte, LPC, CSAT, ACS, CAAP
Sessions can be in person or via zoom. Let me know your preference. Note: If you feel ill, please consider staying home and doing a zoom session.
Dates I will be out of the office: Dec 20 - Jan 6
I view life as a journey, rather than a destination. And it's a journey that changes us all, as well as our destination.
To the extent we get in touch with and honor our deepest values, that journey will be fulfilling.

Specialized Training
Relational Life Coaching and Therapy
Former Faculty Member of the Relational Life Institute
Approved Clinical Supervisor
Study in Interpersonal Neurobiology
Certified Sex Addiction Therapist
Trauma and Crisis training (sexual and physical)
Functional Neurology Training
Gender Journey Ally
Relational Life Coaching and Therapy
Former Faculty Member of the Relational Life Institute
Approved Clinical Supervisor
Certified Animal Assisted Psychotherapist
STAIR Therapist (working with how our brains work for deep change)
Contact Dee
(303) 829-6422
Or use the contact box
NOTE: I am not able to take on
new clients at the present time
Note my rate is $200/50 minute session
Double that for 110 minute couple